The 3 Best Brow Gels I’ve Had!

best brow gel reviews

It’s time for a little rundown. Today we’re talking brow gels – and not just any brow gels. Especially for you, I have prepared the ranking of my favorite brow gels, which leave the rest far behind 🙂 Are you curious about which brow gels made it to the top 3? If so, let’s get started! […]

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Skincare Gadgets You Must Know!

Hey 🙂 Today’s post is devoted to gadgets that make beauty routine much easier. You probably haven’t heard of some of them. I browsed through the deepest corners of the Internet and found a few that I’d never come across. Some of them are quite useful while others… well, it’s good to know they exist! […]

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Condition-Wash-Condition Method: How I Wash Hair & What Results I Get

This hair wash method will change your hair completely! I talk about CWC which is based on three simple steps: Conditioning, Washing, Conditioning. As can be seen, the only thing making it different from standard washing is applying conditioning products before shampooing. This small change makes all the difference: effects of CWC are remarkable! Keep […]

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Smooth Feet? A Short Guide To Exfoliating Socks

Hard, dehydrated and cracking feet – this is what happens to most of us after winter. My feet look bad only when I forget about moisturizing or when I use wrong products, which luckily happens rarely. To be honest, my feet were totally unprepared for this spring. A little bird told me that this year’s spring surprised […]

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My 3-Step Morning Skincare Routine for Flawless Complexion All Day

Morning skincare routine is extremely important and matters for the appearance of the skin throughout the day. I wouldn’t do without my morning routine. It takes just a few minutes, is very simple and consists of three steps! Naturally I change my morning skincare products from time to time but the stages are always the […]

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I Did Dry Body Brushing for 30 Days. Can I See Any Effects?

I heard about dry body brushing long before I decided to give it a go. It made me think of some painful treatments at first. After all, it’s much different from what we’re used to: rubbing a smooth balm or cream into the skin. Nevertheless, I forced myself and did dry body brushing for a […]

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My Evening Skincare Routine: Step-by-Step Guide

The entire body rests at night and this applies to the face skin too. This time is devoted to the repair process. If you don’t put your mind to the evening skincare routine, your skin doesn’t get a chance to clear itself of toxins and get an oxygen boost, and the nighttime repair process doesn’t […]

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Nanoil Heat Protectant Spray: Thermal Protection That Works Wonders [review]

Nanoil heat protectant spray

Hey, everyone! As you’ve probably already had the opportunity to read it on my blog, I love taking care of my hair. I consider it one of the most important parts of my appearance, that’s why I do my best to make it look well-groomed, neat and moisturized. Unfortunately, life is brutal, so I don’t […]

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Top Nail Conditioners I Love and Recommend

How do you care for your nails? Do you use any conditioners or oils? If not, it’s high time you started. This post is dedicated to – in my opinion – the best nail conditioners. Both natural strengtheners and ready-made products from the beauty store. THE BEST NATURAL NAIL CONDITIONERS The first three products are […]

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Which brow soap to choose? Some info about Nanobrow Eyebrow Styling Soap

Hello everyone, another post today! We’re going to talk about eyebrows, more specifically s o a p brows 🙂 Why soap brows? As you probably know, there weren’t brow mascaras, pomades or gels in the past. Hollywood actresses needed a cosmetic that would provide long-wear effects, so they used regular soap on their brows – […]

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