How to do face massage? Rejuvenating and beautifying in a few steps


I’ve prepared for you a short course on face massaging. I hope that thanks to this manual you will learn how to make your face look younger. Also, I hope that after reading this entry, you will agree with me that there is nothing difficult about this rejuvenating technique.


I assume it would be better if I told you the benefits of face massaging. I guess, there is no point in explaining how to do face massage step by step since I haven’t managed to talk anyone into this procedure yet. Therefore, if you happen to be a face massage supporter and you don’t need any reasons to start treating your face with massage ā€“ you can skip the next paragraph to get to the instructions mentioned later. However, if you don’t know how face massage works – I’ll try to explain the procedure precisely now.

How does face massage work?

If done on regular basis, face massage:

  • improves blood and lymph circulation in skin;
  • influences processes responsible for supplying skin with oxygen;
  • stimulates cell self-renewal processes;
  • slows down wrinkle appearance;
  • smooths skin, makes it more elastic and evens its tone;
  • facilitates dead epidermis cells removal;
  • relaxes muscle and calms down nervous system.

Of course, these are only the most important effects because I don’t want to snow you under the entire list since, I think, it might be endless. You can guess that the blood circulation improvement is connected with many positive outcomes that affect more than just skin appearance itself. Thanks to better blood flow, action delivered by care cosmetics is improved since they are absorbed better and are delivered to target cells way faster. While answering the following question: What does face massage bring out?, there must be stated clearly: the possibilities. To clarify, it enables us to slow down skin ageing processes, facilitates better skin nourishment and moisturisation as well as delivers more effective conditioning in general. As a consequence, our skin pays off with what it has in store, which is its beautiful appearance.

What is face massage beneficial for?

Face massage isn’t only just some element of everyday beauty routine. It’s also a way to relax. Rhythmic massaging, kneading and rubbing of face help us relax and soothe as well as it stimulates neurotransmitters responsible for memory, mood and spryness of our mind. Still, it’s not everything what face massage is beneficial for. What else? Basically, face massag can be used for healing purposes, too. When used prophylactically, this procedure successfully deals with healing oedema, scars, acne, enlarged lymph nodes and even facial nerve paralysis (facioplegia).


If I were to suggest you something, Iā€™d say it’s better to think about this procedure in the evening, when we finally slow down after the entire hectic day. We need more or less 20 minutes no matter if we want to go for rejuvenating face massage or any other kind of kneading.

How to do face massage step by step?

First and foremost, we have to bear in mind a few important rules. It’s the sequence of massaged face parts that matters as well as the technique we adopt for the procedure. Moreover, cosmetics (e.g. face oils) used for face massaging are also important. Personally, I love using sweet almond oil, but I realize that it’s just my preference – not all face skin types might get along with almond oil.

Face massage techniques

The easiest way is to be inspired by the classic massage techniques. It’s crucial to massage all face parts using one technique and then apply another one. Of course, there are several methods. Here are the most popular techniques which make face massage more fun and effective:

  • stroking – delicate and smooth skin petting with the use of fingers;
  • rubbing – using your fingers to make circles from the inside heading sideward;
  • kneading – grabbing face skin between two fingers and pulling it out upwards;
  • relaxing motion – tapping skin delicately (can be compared to raindrops hitting the face);
  • vibrating – (the hardest one!) putting face skin into vibration using your hands.

Sequence of massaging

Let me remind you once again that properly carried out face massage is the massage of particular face parts done in a clearly defined order. It’s advised to introduce harmony to this procedure in order to obtain truly wonderful effects. Here is how a proper face massage should look like step by step; so in other words, which face parts should be massaged as the first ones and which as the last:

  • chin as well as lip skin area above upper and lower lip;
  • jawbone area of cheeks heading lower part of ear;
  • mouth corner area of cheek heading central part of ear;
  • yoke bone area of cheek heading the tip of ear;
  • nose: also at the very upper part of it, between eyebrows;
  • eye skin area, from the inner corner to the outer;
  • under eye skin area heading the inner corner;
  • the middle part of forehead towards temples.

Face massage oils

Are any cosmetics for face massage required after all? No, they are not. Of course, you can massage your skin without using any products whatsoever, yet the risk of irritation becomes higher, especially when we deal with very dry or sensitive skin. A good face massage oil is useful in order to facilitate gliding, warm up the skin and to deliver many precious nourishing substances already during the very procedure. The best face massage oil is, for example:

  • argan oil – regenerative, reinforcing, improving skin elasticity;
  • coconut oil (warmed up) – moisturising, smoothing and soothing;
  • jojoba oil – moisturising, delivering protection from free-radicals and the sun;
  • almond oil – improving skin elasticity, smoothing, protective;
  • lemon oil – rebuilding, nourishing, highlighting.

Give face massage a go! šŸ™‚

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