How do BB creams work? Meet the summer alternative to foundations!

do you know the difference between a BB cream and a foundation?

I have to admit that it wasn’t that long time ago when I thought there’s no difference between these two products. Simply, there was nobody to tell me that these cosmetics aren’t alike. Yes, yes… I used to think that BB cream is just a kind of foundation. Now I know that I was wrong. I also know that there are many women who still don’t know that these products belong to various cosmetic categories. This is the reason why I decided to write a short entry concerning features of BB creams. How do they work? How to apply them properly? When should you apply them?


Before you reach for some product standing on a drugstore’s shelf, because you saw the advertisement or because a friend recommended it to you, read this entry.

Formula of the very first BB cream ever produced was developed by a dermatologist in the ’60s of the 20th century. It’s worth realizing that this cosmetic wasn’t created just by somebody but a specialist. This means that the product can be applied with no hesitations because such an innovation won’t do us harm. In fact, it’s quite opposite since BB creams are completely safe. After all, primarily they were supposed to ease irritations, accelerate wound healing processes and minimalize redness caused by laser beauty treatments. And this is how a healing and camouflaging cream became a real hit. Nowadays, regular BB creams are almost everywhere to buy which makes us willing to get them more and more frequently.

BB cream – a multi-purpose face cosmetic which is a combination of a few care products: a moisturising cream, a make-up primer, a concealer, a skin tone evening foundation and a UV filter.

What does the abbreviation BB stand for?

The truth is, there are a few explanations, each depends on a particular brand. However, the most frequently, BB stands for beauty balm or blemish balm. Personally, I like the second explanation because it’s better at showing the real core of BB cream application. While talking about it, it’s worth telling a little bit about features of this cosmetic.

How do BB cream work?

Most frequently, this cosmetic is treated as a lighter version of a foundation. Since it’s possible for us to apply a cream, a concealer and a foundation altogether at once (because BB cream combines features of these cosmetics) why wouldn’t we do that? Let’s make our life easier! However, there’s one BUT: you need to know that a BB cream delivers more delicate coverage than a regular foundation so it serves rather complexion that doesn’t feature big break-outs. Do you know how BB cream work? No? It’s high time for you to catch up on this.

Here are the most important features of BB cream:

  • evens out skin colour,
  • camouflages fine skin imperfections,
  • naturally brightens complexion up,
  • protects from the sun,
  • maintains moisturisation,
  • may counteract discolorations.

To me, the greatest advantages of a BB cream are its lightness and comprehensiveness. It’s better than a regular foundation because it doesn’t overburden complexion but emphasizes its natural beauty. Additionally, it helps us save time because we apply just one cosmetic instead of three or four. Ok, but when a BB cream serves better than a foundation? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to prove you that a foundation is completely useless because that would be far from being true. Indeed, it’s worth having such a colour cosmetic but sometimes a BB cream turns out to be a better solution.

When may you find replacing a regular foundation with a BB cream as a good idea?

  1. If your complexion is healthy, but rather sensitive and when it requires more intensive care. BB cream is an additional dose of nourishing substances and a delicate skin appearance improvement.
  2. If your main concern is uneven skin tone. BB cream will help you deal with this problem hiding the discolorations and minor blemishes – in this case, it goes down to a foundation.
  3. If you care for obtaining more durable make-up. BB cream is a better solution than a regular face cream applied before doing make-up because it evens and fixes the effects.
  4. If you consider even a light foundation as unnatural and you feel uncomfortable wearing it. BB cream is a good alternative especially during the summer, for delicate complexion or for teenagers.

BB cream and a foundation. Learn the differences!

The question ‘How does a BB cream work?’ should be answered with ‘Differently than a foundation.’ Obviously, there are many dissimilarities and it’s worth taking them into consideration while choosing a perfect cosmetic for yourself. The fact that I’ve fallen in love with BB creams and I almost don’t use foundations any longer, it doesn’t mean that you have to follow my footsteps. Learn the features of BB creams, the opinions and offers to pick the product which is the most suitable for you. Here are the most important differences:

  • BB cream contains less pigments than a foundation so it provides lesser coverage;
  • BB cream contains SPF 30 or higher whereas a foundation features SPF no higher than 15;
  • BB cream combines definitely more conditioning ingredients.

For the time being, I tend to buy BB creams on regular basis, which I use almost every day. I’m not sure if I change my habit when my skin starts featuring more imperfections. Maybe I will need stronger coverage then so I will be forced to reach for a foundation again. Now, I find my complexion fairly neat when coated with a BB cream, so I’m not going to change anything. After all, needs of our skin and how it reacts to various substances is the most important.

What about you? What are you going to choose? Tell me about that below, in the comments! πŸ™‚

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